All-New 2023 Mazda CX-9 Uses Rear-Wheel Drive Platform

Models for this and the next season were unchanged. With all the info we are getting from our sources inside the company, the 2023 Mazda CX-9 must be the model with totally fresh styling. The mid-size SUV is already attractive and offers upscale materials. The redesign is going to make it even more luring, especially to younger drivers.

But, the first impression is not all you get from the new CX-9. The company is developing a platform that will support rear-wheel drive. This is leading to further changes and speculations. Could the 2023 Mazda CX-9 be a truck-based SUV? The Japanese company made a new partnership with Isuzu and their first joint project is the BT-50 truck. This vehicle might be on its way to the US. Before it happens, Mazda will test the capabilities of the ladder frame on the CX-9.

After CX-30 and CX-50, fans are wondering if the company will go after the CX-90 model. There are no reliable sources to confirm speculations, but we won’t exclude such a possibility. The CX-7 is also about to return to the US market, based on the CX-8, which is an exclusive model for Japanese dealerships.

2023 Mazda CX-9 release date

Next-Gen Changes

Several magazines confirmed that the 2023 Mazda CX-9 is going to introduce the third generation of the mid-size SUV. The current version dates back from 2016. The CX-9 is nearly 200 inches long, which makes it one of the largest mid-size models. If it becomes bigger, experts will consider it as a full-size SUV. That leaves a slot in a lower tier, which can be filled with the CX-7. Sounds so simple, but in the reality, Mazda is not confirming all those speculations.

Like every new model, the CX-9 should introduce a fresh styling. Still, the appearance impression is going to depend on the size. Exterior is already very attractive. Mazda is making a difference with its trademark red color, called Soul Red. Update of the color palette is going to replace some of the paintjobs. The red one stays put for sure.

While the styling is great, there is a lot of improvements to be made inside the cockpit. The 2023 Mazda CX-9 is keeping a three-row layout. Although 200 inches long, the back row was tight and it is not resulting in more space for cargo. So, designers will have to fix that. More safety options are a must. Mazda Connect will be updated for the new SUV.

2023 Mazda CX-9 RWD Platform

The Japanese company is working on a new project. Another manufacturer from the same country is involved. Mazda broke the partnership with Ford, which lasted for a long time, to join forces with Isuzu. Now, two carmakers plan a raid to multiple markets, including Japan, the US, Australia, Asia, and Europe. It is an ambitious idea, but the first results will be available already in 2022.

Mazda BT-50 and Isuzu D-Max are very popular trucks outside the United States. A new platform and engine will lure even more buyers. Eventually, one of those models could appear in the US soon. But, let’s focus on the 2023 Mazda CX-9 for now. The background story is interesting because we can hear speculations about the new platform. The highlight is a rear-wheel drive. That will be shared with the abovementioned trucks.

Source: Cnet

2023 Mazda CX-90, CX-7 and Other Projects

The CX-30 already joined the lineup of subcompact crossovers, while the CX-50 is registered as an upgrade to the CX-5 compact SUV. So, the question is if the 2023 Mazda CX-90 is going to be the next model that will be added to the lineup. There are no details about the new SUV. At this point, it is even hard to say what the CX-90 is going to be. There are several opinions – the SUV could introduce coupe, hybrid, or even the full-size model.

2023 Mazda CX-9 Release Date

The availability of the new SUV depends on the development. The fresh version was planned initially for the upcoming 2022 season. But, the carmaker hit a delay and we’ll see the CX-9 as the 2023 YM. If the model for 2022 comes unchanged, the announcement of the new SUV could happen in the first half of the year. We’ll have to wait for the debut and the first appearance since it is not happening before the summer. The price will go up with the new architecture being used.

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